Commercial Service Separation Rail - Brass , 2"OD with Flanges (POLISH Commercial Service Separation Rail - Brass , 2"OD with Flanges (POLISHED) Commercial Service Separation Rail - Brass , 2"OD with Flanges (POLISH –
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Commercial Service Separation Rail - Brass , 2"OD with Flanges (POLISHED) has a rating of 5.0 stars based on 1 reviews.
Commercial Service Separation Rail - Brass , 2"OD with Flanges (POLISHED) Polished Brass SALE CLICK IMAGE AND SCROLL FOR PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS

Commercial Service Separation Rail - Brass , 2"OD with Flanges (POLISHED)

CFM Certified Heavy Duty Commercial Grade
$ 480.84 $ 523.15

Not available - Call for additional details



Commercial Service Separation Rail  - 18" x 13 7/8" x 26" x 12 3/4".  Universal fit for most commercial and residential bars. Top flange mounts to bar top and bottom flange mounts to bar face.  Slide forward or back to accommodate most  bar top overhangs.

Commercial Service Separation Rail - Brass , 2"OD with Flanges (POLISHED) has a rating of 5.0 stars based on 1 reviews.

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